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Tauri provides the tooling you need to distribute your application either to the platform app stores or as platform-specific installers.


Tauri builds your application directly from its CLI via the build, android build and ios build commands.

npm run tauri build

See the distributing section to learn more about the configuration options available for each bundle and how to distribute them to your users.


By default the build command automatically bundles your application for the configured formats.

If you need further customization on how the platform bundles are generated, you can split the build and bundle steps:

npm run tauri build --no-bundle
# bundle for distribution outside the macOS App Store
npm run tauri bundle --bundles app,dmg
# bundle for App Store distribution
npm run tauri bundle --bundles app --config src-tauri/tauri.appstore.conf.json


Your application version can be defined in the tauri.conf.json > version configuration option, which is the recommended way for managing the app version. If that config value is not set, Tauri uses the package > version value from your src-tauri/Cargo.toml file instead.


Code signing enhances the security of your application by applying a digital signature to your application’s executables and bundles, validating your identity of the provider of your application.

Signing is required on most platforms. See the documentation for each platform for more information.


Learn how to distribute your application for each platform.


For Linux you can distribute your app using the Debian package, Snap, AppImage, Flatpak, RPM or Arch User Repository (AUR) formats.

Code signing


For macOS you can either distribute your application directly to the App Store or ship a DMG installer as direct download. Both methods requires code signing, and distributing outside the App Store also requires notarization.

Code signing and notarization


Learn how to distribute to the Microsoft Store or configure a Windows installer.

Code signing


Distribute your Android application to Google Play.

Code signing


Learn how to upload your application to the App Store.

Code signing

Cloud Services

Distribute your application to Cloud services that globally distribute your application and support auto updates out of the box.

© 2024 Tauri Contributors. CC-BY / MIT